Welchen der drei mögt ihr am liebsten?
Ich wünsche mir, dass noch viele Kinder mit diesen Büchern aufwachsen und sich verzaubern lassen!
Like you might have already heard the children's book writer Otfried Preussler died on Monday. In the last half year I read quite a lot about him and also the 'three little ones' again. Thereby these drafts were created of the friends of these three (I don't know if they have the same names in the english books...), the raven Abraxas from 'The little witch', the eagle owl Schuhu from 'The little ghost' and the carp Cyprinus from 'the little water sprite'. All of the are really lovely characters.
Which one is your favourite character and why?
I hope that many children will grow by reading these books and will let themselfes be enchanted by them!
Miss Drawingdream
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